If you have any experience with selling a home using traditional methods, you probably know that there are many extra fees involved. These fees can cut into the profit you make by selling a home. One of the best benefits of selling to a fast homebuying company is that you can avoid a majority of these unnecessary fees.
Showing Fees
When you sell using traditional methods, the way you market a home is by having open houses and advertisements online. Because you want your home to appeal to many different buyers, you typically put a lot of money into making it look presentable. You may hire professionals to stage your home. Additionally, you typically have a realtor show your home and give tours. A realtor is a great pick to show your home because they are very professional and help potential buyers see the beauty and value of the property. All of these fees, however, are unnecessary when selling to a cash home buying company. This is because you are only showing your home to one buyer.
Closing Fees
Traditional selling methods have a myriad of closing fees, many of which can be quite vague. These closing fees cut significantly into your profit and seem very unnecessary because they are not going to pay any third party like a realtor or a staging crew. Fast home buying companies do not include any additional closing fees in their agreements. You will receive in full whatever price you agreed upon with a cash home buying company.
Commission Fees
Realtors are responsible for handling most of the professional and legal aspects of home-selling in traditional methods. Thus, they take a significant cut of the profit as a commission fee. You don’t need to hire a realtor when working with a fast homebuying company since the process is so simple. Therefore, you avoid commission fees altogether.
Offers from fast home buying companies are typically lower than offers you would receive on the regular market. However, they are lower because of how easy the process is and how much you are saving from not having to pay extra fees. Furthermore, you are still getting a great deal for the value of your home. To find out more about what fees you can avoid when selling to a fast homebuying company and how it is possible, reach out to Simple Cash Offers here today.